Irrfan Khan to interview Arvind Kejriwal next

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 18 2016]

For the promotion of his upcoming film 'Madaari', Irrfan Khan will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday for an interview.

Irrfan, who interviewed RJD chief Lalu Prasad during his visit to Bihar capital Patna last week, fixed a meeting with Kejriwal via Twitter. Irrfan tweeted: "I am a common citizen of this country. I want to ask some questions. Can I meet you Arvind Kejriwal (Desh ka ek aam nagrik hoon. Aap se kuch sawaal pochhnay the)."

The politician readily agreed. Kejriwal also shared: "Irrfan Tuesday 11 am, my office." The actor then responded "Thanks again, will see you on Tuesday Arvind Kejriwal".

'Madaari', which explores a father-son relationship and traces the plight of a common man who loses his son in an accident, also features Jimmy Sheirgill in a pivotal role. The film is slated to release on July 22.

Irrfan, who has garnered global fame with his international projects, also tried to set up a meeting with other political figures by posting to the 'Office of RG' twitter account and Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Twitter handle.