Irrfan Khan's throwback video singing 'Mera Saya' left fans emotional.

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 23 2020]

Irrfan Khan was one of the most versatile actors of Indian cinema who loved to explore the characters he played. Even almost six months after his demise, fans and cinephiles still haven't come to terms with the fact that he is gone. His wife Sutapa Sikdar and son Babil Khan have been sharing precious throwback pictures and videos of the late actor.

Recently, Babil Khan shared an amazingly wholesome video of his parents on his Instagram account. In the video Irrfan and Sutapa can be seen in a happy romantic mood taking a stroll in the streets and singing the famous song 'Mera Saya'. The couple is beautifully smiling and chuckling throughout the video and towards the end Irrfan asks Sutapa, Mera saya ki tera saya?

The post made fans emotional and was shared by many.