Is Raj Tarun-Vamshi film shelved?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 23 2016]

It's known that Raj Tarun is doing a film with AK Entertainment. Directed by Vamshi of Dongata fame, this one is in production stage. A popular English language daily has reported that the project has been shelved as the director walked out citing undue interference on the part of the actor.

But is the film shelved? We found out from the director that there is no truth in this. The project is very much on. According to Vamshi, the first schedule was shot in RFC, and the second one is going to commence. This is only a break.

Produced by Anil Sunkara, the film is part of a two film contract with Raj Tarun. The other one is written and co-produced by Maruthi and directed by debutante Sanjana Reddy.