Is the bird flying the coop?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 11 2005]

Uday Kiran has every reason to feel disturbed in the industry. Nothing has gone right for him in the last two years.

His film career is almost in a shambles ----hanging on the slender thread provided by Teja's film.

His personal life too is no good --- he is just recuperating from the debilitating blow of a called-off marriage.

Everything is too bitter for him to swallow.

In the event, the rumors doing the rounds is that the chocolate-box hero is planning to shift his base to some where else.

Where is this some where else? Well, some say it is London. But why London? He is said to be so disillusioned with films that he wants to give it up totally and go for a new business there. Most probably it will be hotel business, sources say.

A few others say that he would stay in India itself but may not continue in the industry.

Any which way, it's bad news.