Check out Ishaan Khatter's first look as Captain Balram Singh Mehta

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 13 2022]

Sensational young actor Ishaan Khatter will soon be seen in the biographical war drama 'Pippa' alongside Priyanshu Painyuli and Mrunal Thakur. The shoot of the film was wrapped recently and Ishaan marked this ocassion by sharing his first look as Captain Balram Singh Mehta from the film.

The actor shared three photos as his character and fourth one from the wrap party and wrote, Filled with gratitude for the experience of this film. It’s been a dream to work with a team as excellent as this one. Humbled and brimming with love. This is your Captain Balram Singh Mehta signing off from #Pippa See you in the cinemas soon ??☄️??.

Ishaan's co-star Priyanshu Painyuli took to comments and wrote, Ballistic Balli ????what a journey this has been with you ❤️ and especially your commitment as an actor.. powerful like a Tank ?? Big hug to you.. can’t wait for people to watch this one.

Based on the book 'The Burning Chafees' by Brigadier Mehta, 'Pippa' is supposed to release by the end of this year.