It is Vajreshwari Road

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 15 2017]

The contribution of Dr Parvathamma Rajakumar is impeccable in the Kannada film industry. Producer of 80 films, wife of Dr Rajakumar icon of Kannada cinema is not living today but her contribution is recognized everywhere.

The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike has decided to name ‘Vajreshwari Rasthe’ to the road where Vajreshwari Combines was set up by Dr Parvathamma Rajakumar. At the end of this road is Dr Rajakumar International Hotel that was recently given a facelift.

The Vajreshwari Combines office is also spruced up and new look to the office will be shortly coming up.

To be precise at the heart of Kannada film activity in Gandhinagar – 6th main is the place where Vajreshwari Combines is situated.

The proposal was put up by BBMP members Mohammad Rizwan, M Shivaraj and Nawaab at the meeting was accepted unanimously.

The paper related to the naming of the road was cleared by 51st Mayor of Bengaluru City R Sampath Raj.