Jagan takes jibe at Pawan in cinematic language

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,April 07 2018]

YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday evening took pot-shots at Pawan Kalyan and said that the Jana Sena leader is a partner in Chandrababu Naidu's errors of commission.

What has Pawan Kalyan done in the last four years?  He makes a tweet once every six months.  Whenever Babu needed, he would issue a statement in his support.  Have we seen anything more?  He walked out of the partnership with the TDP only recently for his political benefit, Jagan opined.  

Usually, the film is for 2.30 hours and the interval is for 10 minutes.  In the case of Pawan Kalyan, it's the other way round, Jagan said.

Didn't this 'Medhavi' support the TDP and the BJP in 2014?  Did he question Babu when the CM didn't write a single letter to the Planning Commission for 7 months in 2014? Jagan asked.