Jaipur police's unique lockdown threat with Masakali 2.0!

Coronavirus pandemic and the growing number of cases had lead to the Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi announcing the mandatory 21 days nationwide lockdown. Despite orders of the government, many having been roaming outside homes.

While police departments of various States have indulged in various awareness and protection measures to ensure social distancing as well as avoiding crowding of people and unnecessary venturing out by public, Jaipur police have adopted a unique way.

Recently, TIPS had released a remix version of AR Rahman's chartbuster Masakali number from the 2009 flick Delhi 6 as Masakali 2.0 which had angered Rahman himself, and now Jaipur police have posted on Twitter that if people are roaming unnecessarily outside, they'll be put in a room and made to listen Masakali 2.0 on loop. This Fun warning of jaipur police has turned viral.