'Jamba Lakidi Pamba' deals with sensitive issues: Srinivas Reddy

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 20 2018]

Ahead of the release of 'Jamba Lakidi Pamba' on June 22, Srinivas Reddy in this interview talks about the film, what makes it unique, his upcoming projects, production plans and more.

Story is the hero:

As far as this film is concerned, it's the story that's the hero. What is unique about the story is that there happens a soul-swapping between a husband and his wife. I don't see myself as the hero. It's a concept-based movie. This way, there is no pressure on me. Some people would pull my legs saying that it's a multi-starrer movie when I am doing a film.

I am a 'Chameli Rani'

I have watched the films of Naresh garu and Rajendra Prasad garu before starting shooting for this film. I watched Chiranjeevi garu's 'Chantabbayi' performance. I actually even tried my wife's nighty at home. My wife would joke with my elder daughter that 'Chameli Rani' has come home. She would pull my legs that way because I am seen in the feminine get-up in the film.

Not embarrassing at all:

It was not uncomfortable playing the role. But sometimes, I would find it a bit embarrassing while getting down from the caravan after wearing lipstick and women's wear.

Flopped? So what?

The factor of JB Murali Krishna's first film flopping didn't come into the picture at all. I haven't watched his first movie. I okayed the script of 'JLP' only because I loved the way he narrated the story. And having watched the final output, I can say that he got it bang on.

No comparisons with EVV's film:

There are no similarities between our 'JLP' and the EVV Satyanarayana garu's 'JLP'. In that film, a whole city has soul-swapping. But in our film, only a couple experience it. Although the audience is expected to keep the old 'JLP' in mind, they will give up the comparison just 10 minutes into our movie. Yes, my younger daughter will be seen in the climax.

Gopi Sundar's music is a winner

Although Gopi Sundar has been my friend for long, he didn't do this film because he is my friend. He did it because he loved the script. The songs have come out so well that even my parents have appreciated the album. We shot a promo song for two days. We have also done an animation work. The producers didn't compromise on quality and budget anywhere.

That's special about 'JLP'

Since I come from a humble background, I have always respected women. I used to roam in city buses. So, I know women have to be given the seats allotted to them. As such, there is nothing special that I have learned from this movie. The women members of the Censor Board told us our movie deals with even delicate aspects in a sensitive way. Our film has not gone overboard anywhere. Even the issue of the monthly menstrual cycle has been dealt with in a sensitive manner.

Yes, production is happening

It's true. We are a group of 13 friends named 'Flying Colours'. We all are going to float a production house. The idea is to encourage new talent. We will come up with terms like 'Bhagyanagara Veedullo' and 'Gammatthu' for each project that we will take up.

Upcoming movies:

Trivikram Srinivas garu's 'Aravindha Sametha', Ravi Teja's film, 'Pantham' and 'Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu', among others. There is a film as a male lead. I haven't been approached for 'Geethanjali-2'.