'Janatha Garage': All-time South India record

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 30 2016]

The biggest-ever overseas release for a Telugu movie in the non-USA market, hitting as many as 189 screens. The first Indian movie to be “screened in more than 40 XD screens at Cinemark” overseas.

If you thought that's all, there is more. 'Janatha Garage' is on a rampage. Read on..

Setting a record of sorts, the NTR-starrer is going to have "early morning benefit shows in all the Southern States". Kerala, Karnataka and Chennai are the hot targets. "We are looking at a colossal opening in the metros of the South. It's releasing in more than 300 theatres in Nizam alone. Big openings are expected in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai", a source avers.

Meanwhile, the students of Chennai's SRM University, have bought the movie's tickets in auction with the intention of making the proceeds available for charity. In a record, the first ticket got sold for Rs. 31,000. The second and thrid, respectively, got sold for Rs. 17,500 and Rs. 13,000.