Jet Li's shocking appearance will break your heart

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 22 2018]

Legendary actor Jet Li, whose action films like 'Once Upon a Time in China', 'Fist of Legend' and others are iconic, is 55.  But if you look at his latest pic, you might be forgiven for believing he is 70-something.  The reason?  Hyperthyroidism from which he has been suffering for a few years now.  

His physical appearance came into light when a fan got a snap clicked with him in China.  He took to Twitter and posted it with this comment: So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from 'hyperthyroidism and spinal problems' and this is him now. 

As per an international publication Li also has a heart condition, and a litany of on-set injuries have also affected his health.

It's not like Jet Li's medical condition was not known to the word before.  In 2013, he had said, I am just a regular guy.  I am not a hero. I am just like you.  I am in pain, but I am not suffering. I am happy.”  Li has busied himself with his charity organization 'The One Foundation'.  He once said that he might need a wheelchair someday!