Jiiva clears the air on Saran film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,November 23 2011]

Jiiva is in the helm of his career.

With the man continuing on a signing spree post his huge hit ‘Ko’ he is at the moment neck deep in work. The actor has completed shooting for Shankar’s multi-starrer ‘Nanban.’ At the moment he is engrossed with the Gautham Menon film ‘Neethanae En Ponvasantham’ where he will share screen space with Samantha. This is touted to be a love story spinning out of Gautham’s film factory.

Rumors are now doing the rounds that Jiiva will be doing a film titled ‘Vaata Saatam’ with director Saran. While this news has been doing the rounds, the man involved, Jiiva, has revealed that though he would be happy to bag a role in a Saran film, he has not been approached by the director regarding the same.

Even if he was, Jiiva would not have been able to commit to this project because of prior commitments from which he would be free only after a year, said the actor.

Now rumors mills are bounding with stories that director Saran has approached Vishal to play the lead in ‘Vaata Satam.’

After completing ‘Neethanae En Ponvasantham’ Jiiva will join the ‘Mugamoodi’ team, a superhero subject which sees Jiiva, Narain and Pooja playing the leads under Mysskin’s direction.