Jiiva to do a cameo in Onbadhula Guru

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 17 2012]

Actor Jiiva who had previously jumped into the climax of Boss Engira Bhaskaran to give a hilarious ending to the tale, will now be joining P.T.Selvakumar in his directorial debut, Onbadhula Guru, to do a similar job.

Onbadhula Guru features Vinay and Anjali in the lead and also has the likes of Premji, Arvind Aakash, Jegan and Sathyan doing supporting roles. The film has music by K, popular from Mugamoodi and Yuddham Sei and the shooting schedule has already begun. The tagline of the film reads 4 Idiots and the film is expected to be comedy blended with romance.