'Joker' all set to scale further heights with 3D

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 14 2011]

With 3D pretty much in vogue and not just Hollywood blockbusters but also Indian films adopting this technology, filmmaker Shirish Kunder has huge plans for 'Joker' as well and is quite confident that the final outcome would be exponentially better. What aids the usage of 3D in the narrative is the abundance of fictional elements being added to the screenplay that bridges the distance between real and surreal, what with alien angle coming into picture as well. All of this also translates into the promise of some never seen before 3D visuals in the film.

I like to experiment a little bit with my scenes so as to get a visual novelty to them, smiles Shirish, During 'Jaan-E-Mann' I was new so even the actors were amused when I tried explaining the final outcome of a visual. Today, after having seen the film, they believe that what I am saying would indeed translate into reality.

Coming from an Engineering background, Shirish believes that his education has played a major role in him not being challenged by 3D despite not having done any formal course in this technology. One needs to have analytical skills; you don't always require a formal training but can learn things on the basis of observation, says Shirish.

Well Shirish, we would like to believe all such claims only when we see the final outcome on the screen.