Raju Murugan denies his Guru Lingusamy's comments

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 22 2016]

After watching the recent critically acclaimed super hit 'Joker', director Lingusamy had said that Raju Murugan his former assistant and the director of 'Joker' has not learn anything from him and he has actually learnt from Raju Murugan.

While this could be taken as a genuine expression of Lingusamy's modesty, Raju Murugan has denied his Guru's comments. In his communication to Media, Raju Murugan says " Speaking something like that shows his magnanimity But I have learnt a lot from my director Lingusamy and I am thankful for him."

Raju Murugan also said that he wishes to remake 'Joker' in Hindi and efforts to remake the film in Telugu have already started. He has also been getting offers from various production banners to do a film for them.

The two film old filmmaker are, however presently focussed on writing the script for his next and will decide other things about his next film only after finalizing the script.

He however assures that his next film will be unique and different from his debut film 'Cuckoo' which was a poetic love story and 'Joker' which dealt with a serious social menace.

While his 'Joker' is being praised by everyone who have watched the film, Raju Murugan is particularly happy about the film impressing the people he admires a lot. He is happy that Veteran communist leader R.Nallakannu liked the film and presented a memento as a token of appreciation. Political leader and a social activist Thol.Thirumavalavan and highly inspirational bureaucrat Sahayam IAS have also praised the film.

Superstar Rajinikanth who appreciated 'Joker' and tweeted about the film has personally called Raju Murugan to congratulate him for making such a very bold attempt and assured to meet him soon.

Way to go Raju Murugan...!!!