Juhi in another Punjabi film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 04 2006]

If Chaucer is to English then Warris Shah is to Punjabi. He gave Punjabi poetry its name and identity that it has today. Gurdaas Mann- the most popular Punjabi actor in Bollywood, is all set to make a film on this romantic poet who wrote Heer in Punjabi and defined Punjabi poetry. Heer was about the love relationship between Heer and Ranjha.

The film that Mann has decided to make is about the poet himself. The film is titled Warris Shah- Ishq da Warris. Juhi Chawla is roped in to play the lead in the film. She plays Bhagpari, the poet's love interest.

The film will be directed by Manoj Punj (Des Hoya Pardes fame). The film also stars Divya Dutta, Gurdas Mann, Sushant Singh and Mukesh Rishi. The film will be shot on the outskirts of Chandigarh. The huge set resembles 1749 Pakistan where the poet spent most of his life. The film is a period film that starts a little before 1749 and ends with the poet's death.