Junior artists mistaken to be terrorists, arrested

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 30 2019]

They looked like terrorists. Because they were decked up as terrorists. They are Balram Ginwala (23) and Arbaaz Khan (20), who were on Wednesday arrested by the Mumbai police near a film set.

It all began with a few locals mistaking the duo for terrorists looking at their get-ups. They were wearing suicide vests and the extra-cautious locals thought they must be jihadis. They called up the police, who frantically searched for them for an hour. They could finally capture them, only to realize that Ginwala and Khan are junior artists working on a film starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff.

It didn't occur to the police that real terrorists wouldn't so openly wear suicide vests, with one of them even carrying a dummy gun.