Kajal forgoes Shahid's film to act in Southern film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 08 2012]

When it comes to making prudent choices, Kajal Agarwal is definitely better than many others of her generation. She doesn't agree to act in a Hindi movie for the sake of acting being called a Bollywood diva. Despite her well-accredited Singham act opposite Ajay Devgn, Kajal is not in a hurry to capitalise on it.

This is deducible from the fact that the reigning actress said no to an offer from director Manish Sharma, when she was offered a role opposite Shahid Kapoor in his film. The apparent reason for her declining the Hindi film chance was to accommodate dates for AR Murugadoss' film with Kollywood superstar Vijay.

After the glory of Businessman, she seems to believe that nothing can give the popularity that a superstar film in the South gives. Her preference for South Indian films is also inferred from the fact that she is said to be keen on listening to stories from Tollywood and Kollywood.

A film opposite Ram Charan, Maatraan and Thuppakki are some of her up-and-coming films.

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