Kajol talks about how Bollywood has changed in last three decades

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 13 2022]

Seasoned actress Kajol has been around in the film industry for about three decades and in this period, she has been a part of several iconic films. Apart from that, Kajol has also seen film industry going through several changes and in a recent interview, she talked about both of these topics.

Looking back on her long and illustrious career, Kajol feels fortunate that she got to collaborate with so many amazing filmmakers. She told PTI, I am lucky I have had great films, worked with some fabulous directors, and had great music in films. I will always be grateful that my fans believe in me. And all this has got me to 30 years, I am here, kicking, streaming, alive and relevant.

Talking about how Bollywood has changed from 90s to now, the actress said, The stardom has come down, and so has failure. You don't fail anymore, you are never called a 'failure' anymore. There are so many more things that you can do with your life, and that in itself makes it so much easier to bear the fact that the superstar status is not there anymore.