Kamal Haasan makes a patriotic debut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 27 2016]

Kamal Haasan, the thinking actor, had always been missed on social media. That's not the case any more. He debuted on Twitter on Republic Day and true to his socially conscious spirit, he began with uploading a video of him singing National Anthem.

His very first tweet on the occasion of Republic Day is this: "India's freedom struggle remains unique even today. Respecting it is the only way to keep it and set new world standards."

The legendary actor got 37,000 followers within hours of debuting on Twitter. His long-time friend Gautami, daughter Shruti Haasan, and acclaimed writer-critic Jeymohan are the only Indians he is following, while the rest 10 he is following are mostly international media houses like BBC and Al-Jazeera, besides some literary accounts.

He describes himself as an "Actor, Director, Dancer, Writer, Producer" on his account.