Corporate executives take key posts in Kamal-Rajini politics

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,February 23 2018]

While Kamal Hassan has already begun his political journey officially by revealing party name, flag and founding principles, it is widely expected that Superstar Rajinikanth will also follow suit shortly. Entry of these two stalwarts while signifying a change in the politcal spectrum of Tamil Nadu, has also led to another minor worry as well.

We already know that Rajini has appointed Lyca’s former creative head Raju Mahalingam as the State Secretary for the forum he is floating Rajini Makkal Mandram.  Now the word around is that Kamal will be reportedly roping in Vijay TV’s Mahendran with an important position in his Makkal Needhi Maiam party. Including persons formerly belonging to profit oriented corporations have created a little hesitation among supporters, however the crucial aspect to be noticed will be how they engage in sevice for the people.