Future of Tamil Nadu changed by Tuticorin people - Kamal on Sterlite factory closure

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,May 28 2018]

Reacting to the Tamil Nadu government order for the permanent closure of the Tuticorin Sterlite factory, the Makkal Neethi Maiam leader Kamal Haasan has said that it is the victory of the people and the Tuticorin people have changed the future of the state.

Kamal in his strong worded statement The recent order of the Tamil Nadu Government for permanent closure of the Sterlite Copper unit in Thoothukudi is a victory for the might of the people. All political parties should humble themselves before this victory of the people; salute the martyrs and learn from them. The future of TN politics has been changed by the people of Thoothukudi. Now more of Tamil Nadu will help make the change. The purpose of a politician has been redefined by the people. Makkal Needhi Maiam will take the education forward. Honoured to be a Tamilian.

Kamal has added We are witness not just to handfed news anymore. We have started becoming the change.The Government should have been sensitive to the protests of local people for over 100 days and acted swiftly, which would have avoided the needless and unfortunate loss of lives last week. Any legal challenge to this order by the Company should be defended appropriately by the State Government to ensure that the present order is permanently implemented.