Kamal Hassan bestowed with an honourable title

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,February 22 2018]

It was a moment of pride and celebration for fans as Kamal announced his party officially by hoisting the party flag and revealing the name Makka Needhi Maiam yesterday at Madurai. It is also notable that he propounded on the principles, idealogies of the party which seems to have been well received by the people. 

In light of this major event, several leading politicians of the nation have been expressing their messages of congratulations to the Nammavar. TN Seshan, the former Election Commissioner has given Kamal an interesting and apt title. And that title is ‘Aram Valartha Naayagan’ (roughly translated to ‘The hero of benevolence’). Sure this comes off as an exciting news for Kamal followers.

It is also worth mentioning here just a few days back the duo met where TN Seshan said he would join Kamal’s party depending upon his physical wellness.