Kangana on 'Tanu Weds Manu' - This is not my first solo lead success

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 02 2011]

Last year Kangana Ranaut had delivered a hit in the multi starrer 'Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai'. Though duds like 'Knock Out' and 'No Problem' followed the success of the film, Kangana was confident that she had happier days ahead. That confidence came with a right backing as with 'Tanu Weds Manu', Kangana is now enjoying a clean success and that too as a solo lead.

Well, of course it is a great feeling when your film is accepted in such a huge way, says Kangana who is obviously elated with the film's success, However this is not the first time that I have played a solo lead and then enjoyed a success. When I debuted with 'Gangster', I won all the awards and the film was a huge success. Still, I took my time signing my next film because I did not get a good script for a while.

Being patient indeed worked for Kangana as she went on to sign a few films that presented her with author backed roles, one of them being 'Tanu Weds Manu'. Still, one does wonder whether she was ever bothered about the fact that director Aanand L Rai was just one film old (Strangers) when he came to her with 'Tanu Weds Manu'.

I went by my instinct for this film. I could see that it was a terrific script and I had faith in Aanand as soon as I met him, she says.

Guess it was an ideal mix of being patient and going by the instinct that did the trick for Kangana.