Kangana Ranaut Swears To Expose Everyone In Bollywood!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,February 08 2019]

Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut who is currently basking in the glory of her film’s ‘Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi’ success, has made another bold statement recently. During an event recently while interacting with the media, when she was asked about how Bollywood has never supported her during her film’s release, she got furious and promised to expose each and everyone in the Bollywood.

The ‘Queen’ actress had a very bold and straightforward answer to the question raised by the media in a viral video. When they asked her about the lack of the latest trend for her film’s release where celebrities can be seen promoting each other’s films, she said, “I’m 31 and a filmmaker, I don’t need anyone to promote me. I have won multiple National Film Awards, so I don’t need them to promote me or my film.”

“Is Rani of Jhansi my aunt? She's as much mine as she's yours. Then why are these people scared? They are worried just because I spoke on nepotism? They have formed a gang: 'Why did she speak on nepotism?’ These people should be ashamed of themselves. Some of them are my grandfather’s age. And these Bollywood, I used to call out them for small things like nepotism, sexism and pay parity but, now I will get after their lives. I’ll expose each and every one of them. Bollywood has called for trouble by ganging up on me”, she further added.