Kangana Ranaut versus Sonam Kapoor fight out in the open

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 08 2018]

As reported yesterday, Kangana Ranaut has accused 'Queen' director Vikas Bahl of improper behaviour with her. He partied every night and shamed me for sleeping early and not being cool enough. I often told him off. He would bury his face in my neck and hold me really tight and breathe in the smell of my hair. It took me a great amount of strength and effort to pull myself out of his embrace, the 'Manikarnika' actress said in an interview.

Soon after, Sonam Kapoor has invited criticism for saying that it's hard to take Kangana's statements seriously. I don't know Vikas Bahl. I don't know the situation. If what she is saying is true, then it's really awful, Sonam said on Sunday.

After this, Kangana hit out at her colleague in no uncertain terms. Why does she say it's hard to believe me? I shared my 'Me Too' story and who gives her (Sonam) the right to judge me? Kangana asked in an interview.

The 'Manikarnika' warrior further gloated that she has represented India at international summits in the past. I am articulate and what makes Sonam so unsure of my claims? she asked. In her usual style, Kangana added that she is not famous because of her dad (hitting out at nepotism). Kangana then went on to suggest that Sonam is neither a great actress nor is reputed for being a good speaker.