Kangana Ranaut warns Bollywood 'mafia', suggests she will take revenge

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 08 2020]

Kangana Ranaut feels that she has been targeted by the political establishment (read Shiv Sena) at the behest of the mafia in Bollywood. The 'Queen' actress, warning of a pushback, has suggested that she will rise somewhere else (obliquely referring to her political entry) and avenge them.

Movie Mafia, today you might break my face and my house using your powerful friends. It will give you momentary happiness but if you are clever you will know my end is my beginning. You will end me here, I will rise somewhere else. Trust me, it will hurt you even more, she tweeted on Monday.

Her tweet has made many speculate that she is already hinting at joining politics in the future. Since Kangana tilts toward the BJP, commentators feel that she will get into the saffron party. It's suggested by Netizens that the anti-BJP artistes and technicians in the Hindi film industry are miffed with Kangana only for this reason.

Kangana has been provided with Y-category security by the Central government in the face of threats.