Kangana's revelation about 'Manikarnika'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 19 2018]

Everybody thought that 'Manikarnika' (the Hindi-language biopic on Rana Laxmibai) was directed for the most part by Krish Jagarlamudi. But if Kangana Ranaut is to be believed, it's she who directed the film (about 70 percent of it).

The actress has said that Krish left the project to make 'NTR'. This is when she had to take up the biopic, reshoot some of the completed portions and wrap up the project. The film is essentially my vision, Kangana said while giving due credit to co-writer Vijayendra Prasad (Rajamouli's father).

Kangana has high regard for Vijayendra, whose blessings she sought at the recent trailer launch event by touching his feet. She added that the writer believes in nine big moments before the interval, a blistering interval block, and nine big moments in the second half. That's how he is. He is a genius, the talented Bollywood actress said.

The historical will head to theatres on January 25.