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Kanla Kaasa Kattappa Review

Yesteryear veteran actor Major Sundararajan’s son Gowtham has acted in many films and has also worked as dance choreographer. Now he has added his father’s ‘Major’ prefix to his name and turned as a director with ‘Kanla Kaasa Kattappa’ which intends to make us laugh without caring about anything else.

A union minister has amassed Rs.100 crores and he wants to transfer it to his account in Columbia en-route Malaysia through Hawala means. He deputes an agent who sends Jack (Vichu Vishwanath) a person involved in Hawala transactions, to Malaysia to get the money and send it to Columbia.

A bar dancer (Chandini Tamilarasan) assists Jack in Malaysia and she has intentions to steal the money from him. She conspires with a couple of petty thieves (Kalyan and Yogi Babu) for that. Simultaneously a girl thief (Ashwathy), a jobless youngster (Aravind Akash) and his crazy grandfather (M.S.Bhaskar) also conspire to steal Jack’s money. Jack himself has intentions to escape with the illicit money by cheating the Minister.

What happens to the money and who gets the last laugh forms the rest.

The intention of the makers seems to be making us laugh with mindless comedy. There is little or no care for a story, logic and to portray the turn of events in a slightly if not perfectly convincing manner. The production values are so low and we have to convince ourself that it may be a budget constraint.

But the film manages to make you laugh in regular instances in the first half as well as second half. Yogi Babu who has been consistently doing well in all the films is in top form in ‘KKK’. He with the support of Kalyan and a few junior artists makes us sit through the first half by ensuring that we laugh at least for one dialogue in every scene he appears. M.S.Basker also comes with funny one-liners that hit the target at times.

The last 15-20 minute evoke some genuine laughter at several instances as we are already prepared to forget the logic The scene in which all the main characters discuss how to share the money is a laugh riot.

Aravind Akash makes a mark as a good-hearted youngster who is forced to resort to illicit ways of earning money but this film may not give him the desired break in career.

Chandini Tamilarasan has given the best for her character and also adds glamour quotient. It is a revelation that Dance Maser Kalyan can do well in a comic supporting role. Debutant Ashwathy is okay in terms of expressions but leaves much to be desired in lip sync.

Yogi Babu and M.S.Basker literally carry the film on their shoulders with their comic one-liners Vichu Vishwanath and all other actors just fit the bill.

Divakar Subramaniam’s songs fail to make any impact while re-recording is apt in many instances. There is nothing more to mention about the technical aspects of the film.

As a final word we opine that we can adjust the shortcomings of such low budget film without star value for providing some laughter moments as we are often forced to make such adjustments for star studded big banner films.

Verdict: ‘Kanla Kaasa Kattappa’ is saved by Yogi Babu, M.S.Basker and a few laughworthy comic portions.If your idea of watching a film is just getting some laughters, you can go for it.

Rating : 2.3 / 5.0