Kareena Kapoor didn,t plan Ayushmann Khurrana's ouster from 'Udta Punjab'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 17 2015]

While it was recently announced that Bollywood Begum, Kareena Kapoor Khan, signed Abhishek Chaubey's 'Udta Punjab', the actress is miffed with rumours floating about her involvement in Ayushmann Khurrana's ouster from the film.

Clarifies a source, " Kareena is not involved in casting decisions and is only involved in her role and the script of the film. While sources with vested interests have been spreading rumors that Kareena might have something to do with Ayushmann's exit from the film, truth be told, the actress has never interfered in decisions taken by the makers.It is always the director who takes the final call on the casting. She is happy to be part of the film and doesn't understand why her name is being dragged into this for publicity."

When contacted confirmed Kareena's spokesperson, "Kareena Kapoor Khan does not involve herself in casting decisions. She is happy to be part of the film and is only involved in her role and the script.