Karthi-Rakul Preet's film launched

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 03 2018]

Earlier on Saturday, Karthi's new film was launched in Chennai. Rakul Preet Singh will romance the talented actor once again after 'Khakee'. Prakash Raj and Ramya Krishna will be seen in two key roles. Yesteryear hero Karthik will play a guest role.

To be directed by debutant Rajath Ravishankar (an Anurag Kashyap protege), it will have music by Harris Jayaraj. To be produced by Prince Pictures, the untitled flick is Karthi's 17th film. Velraj will crank the camera, while Antony Ruben will do the editing. Stunts are by Anbariv.

The big-budgeted movie will be shot in Europe, Himalayan states of India, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. It will be shot from March 8.

The film will be presented by Reliance Entertainments.