Katrina exposes ex boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 07 2019]

Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif had last delivered two back to back big flops with the Shahrukh Khan starrer Zero and the Aamir Khan starrer Thugs of Hindostan, and is awaiting the release of her first movie of the year, Bharat, co-starring Salman Khan.

The actress had recently been to a TV Show hosted by Salman Khan's brother Arbaaz Khan, and during this show, she was questioned if she spies anyone on Instagram with fake accounts. Katrina had responded that she does not do it, but exposed her ex boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor that he does spying via fake IDs.

She added that it was Ranbir who introduced Instagram to her. Currently, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are in a relationship, and Katrina, who had earlier been in a relationship with Ranbir for 7 years, is a good friend of Alia Bhatt. Katrina's next movie Bharat will release on June 5.