Kavaludaari retro effect

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 29 2017]

The maiden production of PRK Productions of Power star Puneeth Rajakumar in Hemanth Rao (Godi Banna Sadarana Maikattu) direction is adding more values to it.

There is already news on the looks of Rishi and Ananthnag. The latest is retro look for the roles of Mr and Mrs Naidu. As the portions of the film dates back to 70’s it is shot in black and white photo shoot. Siddarth of Shuddi is Mr Naidu while Samanvitha Shetty as Mrs Naidu are in the get ups of retro. Of course the bell bottom pant, long color shirt, sleeve less blouse, big bindi etc are thought out by costume designers Inchara and Vinay.

‘Kavaludaari’ is a murder mystery subject. The characters of Mr and Mrs Naidu are very important. For Naidu role Siddarth lost his weight by 15 kilograms. The portion of this couple comes for 25 minutes on screen. The camera equipments of those days are utilized. Some of them are from the stock of Puneeth Rajakumar says Hemanth Rao.

This film is sure to give a new feel is the confidence of the team. Already sixty percent of shoot has been completed. Charanraj composer of music continues his journey from ‘GBSM’ with Hemanth Rao.