Kavya's take on Manju-Dileep divorce

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 02 2015]

In an interview with a leading magazine, actress Kavya Madhavan once again clarified that she has absolutely no role to play in the Manju-Dileep divorce. The actress pointed out that Manju Warrier has not said anything against her. Kavya expressed her disappointment about the whole issue saying that the allegations has pained her a lot.

Kavya also said that she is no one to comment on Dileep and Manju's relationship and that she no one has the right to interfere or pass an opinion or judgement on that matter since it a a very personal space. She asserted her innocence in any matters regarding the issue by saying that she comes from a family with very high morals. Kavya also made it clear that she still believes in family and that she will remarry if she finds the right person.

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