KBC-2 to return with Bachchan soon

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 13 2006]

Amitabh Bachchan is all set to resume shooting for STAR Plus' popular quiz show "Kaun Banega Crorepati 2" sometime in February.

"As of the end of last week, the indication that we have from Mr Bachchan is that he will be able to resume work between the middle to the end of February, and we have no reason to believe otherwise," STAR India head Sameer Nair said at a press release.

The plan for the interim period is in place and will be disclosed shortly, the statement added.

The last of the current bank of recorded episodes, shot before Bachchan fell ill, will be shown on Jan 13.

Bachchan suddenly fell ill Nov 28 and had to undergo an intestinal surgery. He returned home Dec 17, after spending almost three weeks in Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital.