Keerthy Suresh and a Big Bollywood heroine for Mahesh Babu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,January 24 2016]

It is being rumored that Keerthy Suresh who has become the new dream girl of Tamil movie buffs with the Pongal release super hit 'Rajini Murugan' has been roped into play the lead heroine of Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu in the film to be directed by A.R.Murugadoss.

Now a source close to the director reveal that Keerthy is indeed acting in the film but not as the lead heroine. She will be playing second fiddle to the female lead. The search is on for the coveted heroine role of this film and a Bollywood dream girl is expected to join the crew as the heroine of this yet to be titled film.

Mahesh Babu is presently busy shooting for his Tamil-Telugu bilingual 'Brammotsavam' while Murugadoss is busy with his Bollywood film 'Akira'. The duo is expected to start their project after getting rid of their current commitments, which is set to happen soon.