Kerala's sensational serial killer Jolly gets divorce notice

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 31 2021]

Jolly Joseph, the prime accused in Kerala's sensational Koodathayi serial murder case, has been served with a divorce notice by her husband Shaju Zacharia citing her criminal past and mindless cruelty. The court will hear the divorce petition on October 26. Shaju Zacharia is the second husband of Jolly Joseph. Of the 5 people Jolly murdered, her husband Roy Thomas, Shaju Zacharia’s first wife Sily, and daughter Alphine are also included. Joseph married Zacharia, nephew of Roy, in 2017 two years before all the murders came to light.

According to Police reports, Jolly had also murdered Roy's parents Tom Thomas and Annamma Thomas, and Annamma's brother M M Mathew Manjadiyil. The disclosures about the murders committed by Jolly over several years, between 2002 and 2016, had sent shockwaves across the country in 2019. The cyanide serial killer is currently in Kozhikode District jail and has been charged with murder, conspiracy, destroying of evidence, and forgery. The trial against her began this year.