Know about Taapsee's short-film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,September 14 2017]

Taapsee Pannu has shot for a short-film. She is going to be seen as a self-defence instructor in this one. It will be directed by Kapil Verma.

Chronicling the relationship between two siblings, the short-film till recently kept the 'Anando Brahma' actress somewhat busy and how! She had to go through "a training session to get the physical nuances of her character right".

The director had wanted to team up with Taapsee ever since he watched 'Pink'. "I had worked with her in 'Naam Shabana'. I knew then that she would be perfect for the part," he says.

Though the title of the short-film is yet to be decided, the cast and crew finished its four-day shoot in Mumbai.