Kolli Ramakrishna elected President of Film Chamber

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 27 2022]

It is known that prominent distributor, producer and exhibitor Narayan Das Narang passed away recently. His passing away left the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce leaderless until today. As per the rules of the organization, Kolli Ramakrishna, who was serving as the Vice-President at the time of Narang's demise, has been elected as the President of the Chamber.

Kolli Ramakrishna's term will come to an end on July 31 this year. The members expressed confidence in his leadership. The decision was taken to this effect on Wednesday by the Executive Committee members.

The Chamber has been instrumental in securing the interests of different stakeholders belonging to the Telugu film industry. During the pandemic, it was firm in its opinions about helping the ailing exhibition sector by prioritizing direct theatrical releases over direct-to-service releases.

Narang, who helmed the Chamber effectively despite his old age, has been sorely missed by the film industry.