KPL is like IPL - Sudeep

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 25 2014]

Kichcha Sudeep present at the launch of his Rock Star' team came straight from Hyderabad from busy shooting schedule of Telugu remake in Kannada Attarintiki Daredi' in the direction of Nandakishore.

With short hair and looking extra handsome with it Kichcha Sudeep was in good mood not because VALMARK has given him pretty good money but because of the invitation he received from KSCA Brijesh Patel and others plus for the terrific arrangements done by his wife Priya who heads the Stage 365 team.

For me this KPL invitation is a big surprise and I consider it on the lines of IPL. I know well that producers would get affected with such participation and we cannot play for the State or for the nation. Yet there is zeal and zoom to compete with dedication and discipline he says.

Kichcha Sudeep profusely thanked Anil Kumar who keeps his team fit and his sister son Sanchit (he will be shortly launched in Kannada cinema), Raghu, Priya his wife and his daughter Sanvi. Whenever my daughter gave me gift I had good luck. I hope this time too informed Sudeep.

Sudeep also agreed in front of KSCA official Ashok Anand that he gets angry. That is because heroes are bowling and batting not the real cricket players he clarified.