Kriti as Bollywood's Next Big thing!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 18 2016]

The 'Dilwale' beauty is leaving no stone unturned in winning the hearts of her audience.

As per a latest survey poll, Kriti Sanon proves to be a strong contender, as a non industry female actress under the category of upcoming stars of Bollywood. The actress has been an audience favourite, in line with Shraddha Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.

What is interesting is that Kriti is the only actress with a non-filmy background amongst the Top 5 actresses to feature on the list at such an early stage of a career. The digital space, being a highly opinionated platform, exudes the popularity the actress commands over her audience. The poll survey brings to light not only the ardent fan following that Kriti holds but also the expectations the audience have from the young actress.

Having set foot into the industry as a complete outsider to the world of glitz and glamour, Kriti has proved her mettle with only a couple of film releases. Continuing to charm with her innocence and hardwork, Kriti has been on a high professionally by having a line up of interesting films under her kitty, from 'Raabta' to 'Bareily ki Barfi' the actress is set to enthrall her audience yet again.

Touted as the Next Big Star of Bollywood, the Delhi girl Kriti Sanon sure has set a place for herself in the hearts of many.

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