KRK makes terrible remarks about Akshay Kumar and Rani Mukherjee

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 05 2021]

Self proclaimed film critic Kamaal Rashid Khan sure knows how to attract negative publicity and he has the courage to let his image get tarnished in the process. Since he's getting a lot of media attention after Salman Khan filed a defamation case against him, KRK is now saying whatever he wants a out whoever he wants. In his recent tweets he talked trash about Akshay Kumar and Rani Mukherjee.

While commenting on the issue of extramarital affairs, KRK tweeted, If you want to make your married life successful then you should become #JoruKaGulam like Akki and me. Never oppose wife. Whatever she says, you should consider that 100% correct. Always tell her that she is very clever and you are nothing compare to her.

In his very next tweet, he attacked Rani Mukherjee and alleged that she married just for money. He wrote, You can have successful married life without becoming Joru Ka Ghulam also, if you do have wife like Rani Mukherjee, who got married for money. Then wife won't care, So you do whatever you want to do. She was just looking for money and she got it.