KTR questions Centre on new vaccine policy, BJP counters

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 22 2021]

Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao has said that States having to pay Rs 400 per dose to acquire Covishield is not in sync with the philosophy of GST. He asked whether funds from PM CARES can't be used to help States bear the additional cost.

We agreed on One Nation - One Tax (GST). But now we see, One Nation - Two different Vaccine prices!? For the Government of India, vaccines are available for Rs 150. And State Governments have to pay Rs 400. Can’t the GoI subsume any additional cost from PM CARES and help rapid vaccination across India?, KT Rama Rao asked on Twitter.

As per SII's CEO, it's not true that the Centre will be able to buy vaccines for Rs 150 forever. It had made the orders for vaccines before the new policy was announced earlier this week. But since the States didn't place any orders to SII, they will have to pay the new price.

On his part, S Vishnu Vardhan Reddy of the BJP tried to educate KTR. He wrote, Those vaccines which GOI bought at Rs 150 is being used to vaccinate all the common citizens of India above the age of 45 years. Which means ONE NATION ONE VACCINE THAT TOO FOR FREE. So Instead of making excuses and playing politics, you should focus on the vaccination program.