Kumar-Darshan historical films

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 21 2010]

Former minister and son of former chief minister S Bangarappa – actor turned politician Kumar Bangarappa is all set to launch the historical film ‘Keladhi Shivappa Nayaka’ growing nearly 20 inches hair especially for the film. On the other hand the challenging star Darshan is all set to appear as ‘Sangolli Rayanna’.

Shivappa Nayaka could be traced in the 16th century in the history books while warrior Rayanna is 20th century personality during the Kittur Rani Chenna pre independence period.

Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy chairman and noted director TS Nagabharana is directing ‘Keladhi Shivappa Nayaka’ and this will be the home production for actor cum politician Kumar Bangarappa. In the natural locations of Shimoga the shoot begins in August this year, says Kumar. “I want this to be the best instead of the biggest”, he says.

There were five queens for Keladhi Shivappa Nayaka but only three queens will be shown on the screen and selection of right artists is also at the final stages.

As many as 17 versions for ‘Keladhi Shivappa Nayaka’ have been made with scholars and professors. Veteran Telugu music director, MM Keervani will be scoring the music for this historical film.

Meanwhile challenging star Darshan is taking up the period cinema related to personality ‘Sangolli Rayanna’ in the direction of Naganna. Arjun of Tamil films with roots in Kannada film was supposed to act in this film when the first announcement came from Naganna.

In 1967 a film with the same title ‘Kranthiveera Sangolli Rayanna’ was made by Chitravani banner in the direction of Ananth Hiregowder. BS Patil, Kamini dharan, Abhi Bhattacharya were in the cast.