Kunal Kapoor's skills made pandemic easier for him 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 01 2021]

Lots of people have a craving for adventure but very few actually follow it. Actor Kunal Kapoor however, doesn't believe in letting the spark die. He is an adventure junkie and relies on car racing, sky diving etc for his adrenaline needs. Apart from this, Kunal also loves flying and he's an accomplished hobby pilot. Although it started just as a free time hobby but it turned out to be really useful during the pandemic. Apparently, his aviation skills saved Kunal from lots of trouble faced by other people.

When public and private transport were shut down all over the country, Kunal could just hop into his plane and travel anywhere he wished.

He recently revealed, “I enjoy flying, it’s something that I wanted to learn since a long time. A few years ago, I finally went to a flying school to get trained. I love exploring places and travelling, so being able to fly is not just a hobby, but also comes in handy. During the lockdown, when a lot of modes of transport were not functioning, I needed to reach Pune urgently. So, I just flew there with my trainer with all the safety precautions in place.”

Kunal will next be seen in mystery thriller 'Koi Jaane Na' alongside Amayra Dastur.