Anjaam Pathira gets a Bollywood remake!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 01 2020]

Mollywood director Midhun Manuel Thomas is all set to make his Bollywood debut. The director's superhit thriller 'Anjaam Pathira' will be soon remade in Bollywood and it is the director himself who will be helming the remake too. The upcoming project will be bankrolled by Reliance Entertainment and API International Filmas. More details regarding the cast and crew will be unveiled soon.

Announcing the Bollywood remake, Anjaam Pathira producer Ashiq Usman said, “I (Ashiq Usman productions) am proud to announce our association with @reliance.entertainment and @apinternationalfilms for the remake of our film Anjaam Pathiraa into Hindi which will be our first film in Bollywood. More details will be out soon . @midhun_manuel_thomas.

Anjaam Pathira, starring Kunchacko Boban, Indrans, Sreenath Bhasi, Unnimaya Prasad, and Jinu Joseph in the lead roles was a blockbuster hit at the box-office. The crime thriller won praises from all corners for its gripping screenplay and one of its kind narratives in Mollywood.