'Laal Singh Chaddha' director Advait Chandan on fallout with Aamir Khan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 20 2022]

Aamir Khan and director Advait Chandan gave their maximum efforts while working the film 'Laal Singh Chaddha' but despite so much anticipation and hype, the film fell flat on the box office. Factors like boycott trends and negative publicity were main factors behind the failure of this well made and heartfelt film. However, lately there have been rumors that failure of 'Laal Singh Chaddha' have caused a fallout between Advait and Aamir.

Quashing these rumors, Advait shared a happy picture with Aamir on his Instagram and wrote, Guys, for all those talking about a fall out between Aamir sir and me, I just want to say that we are like Genie and Aladin, Baloo and Mowgli, Amar and Prem. #HumSaathSaathHain #Bandhan #AamirKhan #LaalSinghChaddha.

Several fans in the comments showered love on the duo and applauded them for making an amazing film. A fan commented, “A fallout? But you made a great film. It was the public that let LSC down in theatres.” Another one wrote, “LSC was a brilliant film, what a perfect engaging storytelling it was! Keep it up, my favorite combo Pinky & Brain!!! Lots of love from a brazilian fan.”

'Laal Singh Chaddha' was a remake of the Oscar winning Tom Hanks film 'Forrest Gump'. It was made on an elaborate budget of 180 crore but only managed to earn 129 crore on box office.