Lady producer's phone number spread by people

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 22 2018]

'Ee Maya Peremito', released this Friday, has landed into a controversy. The film allegedly uses a sacred mantra related to Jainism in romantic scenes and songs.

A day after a Vijayawada Jain association urged the District Collector to take action against the film as the Jainas' mool Mantra, the Navkar Maha Mantra, has been used vulgarly by the rom-com, Divya Vijay, the producer of the movie, expressed dismay over some people opposed to the film spreading her phone number via social media networks.

Following her statement, the ones on the wrong side have apologized to the producer for doing so.

Divya has also alleged that she is receiving warning calls from anonymous entities. This is happening although we have agreed to remove the offensive content from our movie, the producer said.

Starring Rahul Vijay and Kavya Thapar, the film has opened to not-so-encouraging reviews.