Lakshmy Ramakrishnan agitates against a Tamil reality show

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 03 2015]

Actress and director Lakshmy Ramakrishnan was more popular among family women for the successful talk show she conducted in a private television channel. Her program was spoofed by a rival channel in a comedy based reality show last year for which she reacted sportively.

Thanks to that spoof show, the dialogue 'Ennama Ippadi Pandreengalame' which was Lakshmy's serious expression in one of the episodes of her program has now become a comic expression and people started using it in social media day to day life. It even became the starting verse of a super hit song in Sivakarhtikeyan starrer 'Rajini Murugan'.

A few days back Lakshmy Ramakrishnan was spoofed again for her program (from which she has relieved now) in the same reality show.

This time Lakshmy is not going to take things lightly. She has announced that she will file a defamation case against the television channel which aired the program and also has written a complaint to the City Police Commissioner to stop the program.

Meanwhile the talented actress is getting enormous support in social media for her tirade against the private satellite channel.

On the professional front Lakshmy Ramakrishnan has completed her third directorial 'Ammani' which would be hitting the screens soon.