Lalu Prasad Yadav's son announces his Bollywood debut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 28 2018]

Bollywood's superstars should now get ready to make way for future superstar Tej Pratap, better known as the son of former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav. Tej Pratap has announced his entry in Bollywood. And his debut movie has been powerfully and aptly titled 'Rudra: The Avatar'.

This is the mind-blowing former CM son's second film. Most of the country had hard luck with his first movie because it was made in Bhojpuri and so couldn't be watched by us. Had it been dubbed in Telugu, 'Bharat Ane Nenu' would have been a huge disaster because, in that Bhojpuri masterpiece, our visionary Tej played a Chief Minister when he was Bihar's health minister in real life.

All eyes are now on 'Rudra-The Avatar'. Going by the vibes, it will give 'Saaho', 'Sye Raa' and the RRR movie nightmares for sure.